How to do Road Trip ~ ONE

Chuping, Perlis

No matter your age or occupation, everyone could use a little fresh air from time to time. Taking a road trip with your friends or family can be an excellent way to shed some old skin and live a little, destress and forget your troubles for a while, and to make some fond memories along the way. It's also one of the rites of passage for those who live in a country large enough to make road trips truly exciting, such as the EU, UK, New Zealand and Australia – at least one road trip in a lifetime is essential before you can truly feel that you understand the pulse of your country better. Here is how to rejuvenate your spirit by hitting the road...

1.     Consider which people you'd like to come with you on your journey. These people should be in need of some fun, and willing to have it. They need to be prepared to rough it at times and to be stuck in the car for hours at a time when you just keep on driving. It also helps if each person coming along is able to and is willing to drive for some of the way, so that you can share the driving chore (with the obvious exception of children).
Consider the Companion
2.     Take a day or evening to get together with these folks to brainstorm ideas for your trip. Dinners and shopping trips are great ways to do so, but over a few cocktails is the best way for many to get their creative juices flowing. Planning the trip should be fun and get people excited. Don't stress about the details or you're completely defeating the purpose. Even a general idea of a direction can be sufficient, with maybe a much desired place or site to visit included as one must-do or a turn back point. 
3.     Get an idea of how long your trip will be, and what types of places people may want to visit. The only thing that you need to bear in mind as you amble along on the road trip is the return date. It's not going to be very helpful to be in San Francisco when you need to be in New York City the next day or so. Some planning is essential to ensure that your road trip gets you back to where you came from on time! In addition, if there are particular must-do visits, find out times of opening, dates of special events, and the accommodation needs. If you're heading to a festival or similar event, accommodation may be booked out if it's popular, so you might need to be prepared to sleep in the car or rough it in bivouacs; at least know beforehand so that you can be prepared.
Medieval, Victorian & Gothics Theme

continue to How to do Road Trip ~ TWO

1 comment:

Azizan Zolkipli said...

picture of Chuping is so tempting ! argghhhhh ...