Azzam Ziarah Makkah Al-Mukarramah

The Journey of My Life
Salam Maal Hijrah 1433. Obviously like others, i myself have my own NEW year resolution upon this NEW Hijri year, insyaAllah. As the the TOP on the list is get married (hence i've to get my future wife 1st), i determine to get into Makkah Al-Mukarramah for Ziarah & Umrah, NOT by the common way BUT independently, insyaAllah (meremang, astaghfirullah)..

ya Allah.. I hope I am Muslim enough
I believe this will be The Travel of my life and I'm hoping that Allah will allow me to visit and to step-in onto so called 'Tanah Haram', insyaAllah.

The Gates
While I'm preparing the independent way to get inside Arab Saudi itself, i found that it's quite difficult to do so. Perhaps the difficulties that i just read is one of the 'tests' by Allah, cash to me. It's either i failed the 1st test, I'm still counting of it. I wish I can face it Istiqamah (persistant). I wish Allah granted my wish, insyaAllah..

The Mission
By the way, i hope that anybody who had any given experiences to getting to Makkah Al-Mukarramah especially independently to comment and wrote to me. Hope ur tips & tricks will assist me along The Journey of My Life, insyaAllah =)


JHaZ KiTaRo said...

salam kenal.. jemput singgah blog hamba (Aku Sebutir Pasir) kalau nak baca pengalaman hamba kembara ke 46 buah negara.. :)

Arai Utan Ujan said...

will do.. thanx foer sharing. salam ukhwah

Si Perempuan Melayu... said...

Masha-Allah! Allahu Allah... T_T

Hv been to Jordan-Palestin-Madinah-Makkah this year and I miss Makkah (especially) tremendously!

And I have the same dreams as yours, getting into those places independently some day in the future. What made it even harder is because I am a young lady. Even more complicated because I'm still my wali's responsibility. It could've been easier for a young man. Esp when in Saudi women are not even seen on road driving a car and can't have a job like we do in Malaysia.

Hope Allah will somehow grant you with your wish, amiin. Feel free to share anything on this, aite? (:

Arai Utan Ujan said...

buat si Perempuan Melayu, amiin, insyaAllah =)